Protected Workbook Password Prompt

The House Flipping Spreadsheet is a password protected workbook.

The password is an internal password used by the House Flipping Spreadsheet Administrators to prevent certain changes or modifications that could create bugs in the program.

If you try to select a cell or object in the spreadsheet that is protected you may be prompted with the following message:

The cell or chart you're trying to change is on a protected sheet.  To make a change, unprotect the sheet.  You might be requested to enter a password.

This message means that you are trying to select or modify a cell that is password protected and not intended to be changed.

If you are having issues trying to enter data or selecting certain cells, please refer to the tools video tutorials or shoot us an email or give us a call.


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  • 0
    Chris Ryckeley

    Please help I am reviewing the demo product and I tried to add a Bing Map of the property now it's in the middle of my spreadsheet and I cant move it or delete it. I assume this is because its protected. I have attached the file because you're not going to send me a password obviously. can someone open my file and delete the map and send it back to me. I have many hours of work in this and I don't want to start over. 




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